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geology iron ore deposits east of aswan egypt
The mineral exploration of the iron ore deposits in the eastern
1 Introduction The reserves of iron ores deposits in east Aswan area were estimated between 120-135 million tones with average iron content of 46.8% (Attia, 1955). The 2019年1月1日 The Mineral Exploration of the Iron Ores in the Eastern Aswan, by Using Geophysical Techniques. January 2019. DOI: (PDF) The Mineral Exploration of the Iron Ores in the 2015年12月1日 Iron ore in the east of Aswan is considered by (Hussein, 1990) to have been formed under lacustrine conditions, during the deposition of Senomanian Iron ore prospection East Aswan, Egypt, using remote sensing
Geological map of East Aswan area, after EGSMA
Download scientific diagram Geological map of East Aswan area, after EGSMA (1996). from publication: Iron ore prospection East Aswan, Egypt, using remote sensing techniques In the...2021年4月14日 Integrated geophysical approach in exploration of iron ore deposits in the North-eastern Aswan-Egypt: a case study. April 2021. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (8) DOI:...Integrated geophysical approach in exploration of iron The iron-ore deposit reserves, lying in the eastern Aswan area, were estimated to range between 120 and 135 million tons, with average iron contents of 46.8% [ 1 ]. The iron The Mineral Exploration of the Iron Ores in the Eastern Aswan, by
Geochemical Baseline and Pre-Mining Environmental Assessment
Geochemical Baseline and Pre-Mining Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metals at Iron Exploration Area, Northeastern Aswan, Egypt. Open access. Published: 06 July 2023. Clay and iron deposits can be found in a variety of geological formations dating from the Cambrian to Quaternary. These deposits can be found in many locations throughout Utilizing Remote Sensing and Lithostratigraphy for Iron and Clay ...Integrated geophysical approach in exploration of iron ore deposits in the North-eastern Aswan-Egypt: a case study. Mahmoud M Mekkawi. 2021, Arabiam Geoscience Journal. Integrated geophysical approach in exploration of iron ore
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